

Key word : Strong willed, Passionate, Intelligent

Rasi Sign : Scorpio

Rasi Element : Water

Rasi Lord : Mars


The period from January to March is very favorable time for you. Jupiter will be well placed in 7th house from your rasi in Tauras. Saturn is well placed in your fourth house in its friendly sign Aquarius. Rahu will be placed in your 5th house in Pisces sign while Ketu will be placed in 11th house in Virgo sign. Planets are indicating at hurdles yet you will be racing ahead naturally. There will be boost in your self confidence and you will complete your tasks with full vigour. You will get excellent results if giving any exam, competition or interview etc. There will be good openings in the professional work. Benefits are indicated for present job, profession and business. Promotion or even added responsibilities too might be given. Financial angle time is also indicating positive growth. There are possibilities for increase in sources of income and greater money flow. Those who intend to go abroad for jobs should make more efforts. Family would be in joy and cheer.  Auspicious events may take place in the family. You will get full support from spouse.


On 29th March, Saturn would travel to Pisces sign in your 5th house. Maybe you will face numerous hurdles but will overcome them with ease. Your incomplete work will gather momentum. The efforts of the persons trying for jobs and livelihood will be successful. But placement of Saturn and Rahu in your 5th house focus on the need to stay alert in money matters. You need to be careful dealing with persons and take care of your health. You also need to take responsibilities seriously in your workplace. Your income will increase. There will be quality in work you will do. You will make efforts to bring yourself and your family on track. Your time will be spent joyfully, need to take best advantage out of it. You will also take inspiration from some person and understand the true meaning of life.


The middle of May will see significant realignment of planets. Jupiter’s transition to the 8th house in Gemini sign on May 14 may indicate lot of hurdles but with positives. Rahu will travel to Aquarius sign in your 4th house and Ketu will transit to Leo in your 10th house. So the months of May till middle of October are going to be challenging. Efforts in financial matters would bear fruits. Those who desire to get loans from government, bank or financial institutions would be able to make positive gains in those directions. You will be in a relaxed mood. Your time will be well spent with your family. Your good work will pay off well. You will also be wise in money deals. You will get lot of profits in business. You will be successful in achieving your objectives.


On October 19th Jupiter will travel to Cancer sign and will be placed in your 9th house of fortune. This will come as a major relief for you. You will be given an important position all of a sudden. Those who are in business can get entry into some big project. There are indications for gain in import export business. There are possibilities to buy some long desired property too. Pending court decisions will be favorable. Opponents will be unable to harm you. Those people who are associated with any political party or in social service will get special rewards. There would be enhancements in your special status and prestige too. The performance of children in their respective fields of interest would be remarkable.


On 5th December, Jupiter will travel back to Gemini rasi in your 8th house. You will march ahead on the path to success. You will be able to do your favourite work. It is ideal time to start a new project or works. There will be competition in the works but you will manage well. You will be able to take decisions wisely. You will take proper investment related decisions. Your relations with influential persons will grow. You will have lot of hope for the future. People will extend a hand of friendship to you. You will also resolve disputes amiably. Your search for marriage partner will also come to an end.



From family life and relationships point of view there are glorious times ahead. General atmosphere in the family would be amiable and peaceful. Some auspicious event too take place in the family. The children would do well in their respective fields of work. You may also undertake a journey to some holy religious place with family which you had planned for a long time now. There are possibilities for growth in the family tree.


Wealth and money

The placement of majority of planets from your sign is very favorable. The main planet Jupiter giver of wealth is placed beneficially for the large part of year. You will never have any shortage of money. You will also recover some long held or forgotten money or debt. You will have profits and income from sale/purchase of property.



As you display your talents more the larger benefits. You would get support from officials and colleagues and will have greater understanding. People will also appreciate your efforts fully. You will be able to achieve your goals with ease. No one will be able to stand in front of you. As a result, your prestige and stature will rise further.



We strongly believe that we have to earn health. Those who follow this principle do not generally face health issues on a larger level. The planets are indicating at general will being and you will remain fit and fine for the whole year. The health of family members, by and large, would remain fine during major parts of the year.


Astrological Remedies

Wearing 11 mukhi, 13 mukhi and 14 mukhi rudraksha is beneficial for you. Yellow sapphire, coral and pearl can also be worn. Worshipping Lord Hanuman, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva will be favorable for you. Recite Shiva mantras and stotras, Vishnu Sahastranam and Hanuman Chalisa for general benefits.



Time is very promising make its best use. Apply this principle. Think big and act big. You will find unthought of changes taking place in your life.



Laziness and running away from duties are man’s biggest enemy. You should be wary of it