

Key word : Curious and Energetic.

Rasi sign : The Archer

Rasi Element : Fire

Rasi Lord : Jupiter


The months of January to March will have Jupiter in your 6th house from your natal Moon. Saturn will be placed in your 3rd house from your rasi. Rahu will be placed in the 4th house in Pisces and Ketu will be stationed in 10th house in Virgo. You will be getting mixed results, as a consequence. You will have some tensions in matters related to job and profession. Some small issues can appear to become big. You need to take all investment related decisions carefully. Take advice from competent persons. There could be some problems in matters related to money and finance. Your own health or someone’s in the family may be cause of some anxiety. You need to show patience and calmness in such matters. The help of well wishers and friends would keep coming during whole year that would never let your moral go down.


On March 29 Saturn will transit to Pisces sign in your fourth house. You may face some obstacles in family matters and property issues. You may face obstacles in finishing your work. Whatever planning you have for this year may get halted a bit. But you will have new contracts in business and the workplace, and will have favourable agreement after tough negotiations. Some orders from abroad are indicated.


In the middle month of May there will be major transit of planets. On May 14 Jupiter will enter Gemini sign in your 7th house and on May 18 Rahu will enter Aquarius sign in your 3rd house while Ketu will remain in your 9th house in Leo sign. Things will get better now onwards. Those who appear for some examinations, competition or interview should not let their efforts go down as time is very favorable for success in such activities. Your efforts to get some job/employment would be rewarded with positive results. Professional/work related trips are possible which would later turn out to be beneficial. There would be warmth and bonding in family relations and even your spouse will provide full support to you.


From the month of May till mid October if you work with full attention then you can be assured of better results. The other two major planets for your sign are Sun and Mars. Both will be beneficial for you during this period. Whatever work you have taken on hand would get completed. Those who are giving any important exam, interview or tests they would come out with flying colours. Those efforts made to secure new job/employment would be worth it.


On October 19 Jupiter will travel to Cancer sign in your 8th house from natal Moon.  You will be interested in occult sign and in spiritual matters. Your enemies will be active but will get defeated. You will start getting relief from troubles that had besieged you. Favorable turn of events would arise in present job/employment. Those looking for new jobs/employment will also get desired results. Your financial position would improve considerably and you may also think of putting money in some new investment scheme. Family atmosphere would be generally wonderful.


On December 5th Jupiter will revert back to Gemini sign in your 7th house from rasi. You will get auspicious news from relatives. There will be sweetness and warmth in marriage life. You will also take important decisions related to children. In the family, there will be discussions related to children’s marriage. You will also get blessings and affection of elders in the family. You will get success in job related exams, interviews, group discussions and competitions. Your bosses will support you fully.



From family life and relationships perspective this year could be testing. The months of January, February and July are crucial. You may have to deal with thorny issues related to family matters. But you should emerge as an ideal person and also show patience and control. Take the decisions with your mind in place of your heart.


Wealth and money

Though you will have some struggles from economic point of view yet will be able to balance out the things. You would be required to be careful in unwarranted expenditure which may appear to be out of control. There should not be any investment related decisions without giving thoughtful consideration. You will plan to buy new home or property.


Overall you will have to face money challenges on the professional front. It may seem that things are difficult to accomplish but is not the case. If you think properly and act wisely you will get best results. Any examination related to your job, departmental tests or competitive exams will bring success to candidates.



With regard to health it is our belief that things does not get better or worse in a day. For that matter if dietary habits, yoga, exercises, meditation are done with a regularity and purpose then even adverse time period can be turned into our advantage. Else take proper care in those months which have been discussed elsewhere.


Astrological remedies

For your rasi wearing 8 mukhi, 11 mukhi and 15 mukhi rudraksh would always be advantageous. Wearing yellow sapphire, coral and ruby would prove to be beneficial this year. For best results, worship Lord Vishnu, Lord Hanuman and Surya Deva. Chanting mantras related to these devtas would prove to be beneficial. Recite Hanuman Chalisa, Aditya Hriday Stotram and Vishnu Sahastranam regularly.



When stars are in your favour do take its best advantage. When the going is good everything pays off well.



When our luck run out even well intended efforts go futile. This is a universal truth. When we have situation under our control even events turn out to be in our favor. But shy away from taking vital decisions under difficult situation.