Dr. AJAI BHAMBI



Key word : Ambitious, Conservative, Determined and helpful

Rasi sign : The Goat

Rasi Element : Earth

Rasi Lord : Saturn


The period from January to March would be spent wonderfully. During this period Jupiter will be placed in the 5th house from your natal Moon and Saturn will be present in second house in Aquarius sign. Rahu will be present in the 3rd house and Ketu will be present in the 9th house in Virgo rasi. As it is, in the economic field worthwhile efforts made would be gainful. Those trying for getting loan sanctioned from some financial institute or banks for some ambitious or big projects for a long time would be able to do so. Those who are taking part in some exams, competitions could get unprecedented success. Any matter pending in courts and whose decision is expected any time now could come in your favor. Despite making their best efforts your opponents would fail in their intentions to corner you. In March 28 Saturn would enter Pisces sign in your third house of action. Your problems will get resolved. You will be a lot more confident and assertive. And will be able to take quick decisions. In matters of finance – investment decisions, particularly should be taken with thoughtful consideration. Your health will also improve. You will take work/business related trips which will be beneficial. Do not take any important step without due consideration. The sadhe sati of Saturn will also come to an end. You will have strong sources of money coming. Hence, financially you will be in a stronger and more capable position.


In the middle month of May lot of planets will change their sign. Jupiter will now travel to Gemini rasi and will be present in your 6th house from natal Moon on May 14. Rahu will also move to your 2nd house in Aquarius sign and Ketu will be present in 8th house in Leo sign. Therefore May to October would be generally fruitful. There would be favorable circumstances developing in present- job, profession and business. Those who are involved in areas of political or social service would get favorable benefits during this time period. Possibilities for buying new bungalow, flat or vehicle. You will also plan to travel abroad for business/work or holiday vacation. If in some way you are in import-export business or want to start something new abroad then even for those activities these months are very fortunate. Family ties will get stronger and there is also possibility of some auspicious function taking place in the family. During this whole period you will not only remain in high spirits but would add to your stature and prestige also.


Jupiter will travel on October 19 to Cancer sign in exaltation and will be present in your 7th house from natal Moon. All hurdles in works/projects that are nearing completion will face no hurdles. You will earn well and also get back money that has been struck somewhere. You will have to do a lot of hard work and labour to get best results. You will also get some big orders through your acquaintances. Your competitors and rivals will challenge you very strongly. But you will be ready to face the challenges. If you have any property or division disputes, they will be solved with mutual understanding or through mediation.


Jupiter will travel back to Gemini sign on December 5 in the 6th house from your rasi. Avoid arguments with other persons. Don’t let others know your secrets. The time is suitable to enhance your knowledge and skills. Students will get success in exams and competitions. Your promotion chances will be possible. Your seniors will also appreciate you for your sincerity. You could become a victim of motives of your own people you trust. Always remain alert. There could also be some strain put to you on account of poor health of some elderly person or young member in the family. Never undertake any journey about which you are not sure.



Family life and relationship perspective overall this year would be really good. There would be warmth in family ties. There could also be some auspicious celebration like marriage of a close relative or arrival of a new born baby in the family during the time period from January to March and again from May to October. You can also go with family members for some fun filled vacations for sightseeing and relaxation when you have free time to some exotic destination. It can also be a pilgrimage tour. Overall, joyous and fun filled time would be spent with family.


Wealth and money

There would be beneficial position for the whole year. As a result, there would be increase in income and finances. Additional sources of income too may be generated. Those who are self employed or involved in import-export business or for that matter even some local business would also get favorable results this year. There are chances of investments indicated in property, flats or vehicles.



You will be blessed with lot of opportunities this year. If are able to grab those God sent opportunities to your advantage then nothing like that. Not only you will get praise for your work style at your present office/place of work but you could be given some important responsibilities as well. Those people who are searching for new jobs/employment through some exams/competitions or interview would not be disappointed. Those who want to settle abroad can make efforts in this direction.



From health point of view this year is generally good. We have strong belief that health cannot be bought. For it we have to show commitment and need to spare some time for yoga, gym or whatever form of exercise that suits as.


Astrological remedies

You can wear 10 mukhi, 12 mukhi and 14 mukhi rudraksh for the whole life. It could be of special benefit if you do so this year. Your birth stones are diamond, emerald and blue Sapphire which you can wear safely. Worship lord Hanuman, Durga Maa, Maa Laxmi and Lord Ganesha to reap maximum benefits. Reciting Hanuman Chalisa, Durga Chalisa, Srisukta and Ganesh Chalisa would be beneficial.



This year is particularly beneficial for you. During this period luck will smile on you. If you put forward your best efforts then immense benefits would arise for you.



Don’t trust others in investment/property decisions. Apply your ears and eyes to arrive at a correct decision.